Thursday 13 April 2017

maths I have in proud I h out ave done...X s + s it is cool but we could yous cholk out side it will be fun the most fun in maths ever :-)
writing: in writing I have done will I mean good I mean grait we did weekly spelling I'm not a grait fan of it CAN WE DO A FEARY TALL*:) & I will try do a 2p peace of writing.
reading my reading is cool like to read in my bed

Maths: this week I did family of facts
it was boring I don't like maths at all we did X grid I'm not good at it I need help lees maths more writing if we do lees maths more writing I will be happy.
reading: I'm cind of good at reading but year I not that good at it I stool love writing 
more writing more writing writing is the is best in the wold can we do more? HAPPY EASTER!!!